Dystopian Archives

The year is 2057 and the newest windows release is Windows Vista XE (special 2001 re-release edition). Amazon has acquired 7/11. Japan has become the most influential nation in the world after the collapse of the US and its annexation by Canada, who is now a violent superpower (after the rise to power of its newest prime minister who is dead set on controlling the western hemisphere).

The UK collapsed in 2023 after the success of Brexit and the worst recorded famine in Europe. This leads to the collapse of nearby powers and the complete, although chaotic, decolonization of several countries long under the oversight of past superpowers. China regained Hongkong after rising tensions escalated in 2019 and the partial failure of protesters after China perfected facial recognition technology in 2020.

This facial recognition technology is now widely used in almost everything with a screen manufactured in China, Japan, and the collective North America to quietly ensure control of their respective populations.

With climate change on the rise, the world is not only owned by different players, but also physically changed.
